The House
lesson one:
The ability to communicate and connect is an important factor in succeeding in many aspects in life. Vision, pragmatism, consensus, charisma and trustworthiness are the five skills and qualities that enable most leaders to achieve more than others and the surprising part is that four out of the five are connecting skills so what is connecting ?. Connecting is the ability to relate to people and have influence with them. There are signs and features appear on a person you connecting with and some of them are positive comments, demonstrated trust , given energy, increased communication, emotional bondedness and acceptance without reservation. And in order to connect you must first understand the value of people. Moreover, differences between high achievers and average or low achievers is that they care about people and profit, viewing subordinates optimistically, seeking advice from people under them and listening to everyone.
As a public relation officer I can use this information to acquire connecting skills and high achievers traits to connect and have increased influence on people and become a high achiever.
1- This lesson taught me the importance of connecting to people and that communication is not enough by it's own. Connecting while communicating with others will always make you better and will add value to what you do and give you advancement over others. In addition, it increases your influence and it is the number one criteria in success with family, work, marriage and marketing.
2- How to obtain high achievers skills and qualities. Also, I learnt about the difference between high, average and low achievers that helped me understand the mistakes of low and average achievers to learn from them and to be better.
3- Not all leaders are successful ones that can reach and have influence on the people they are leading. The key to being a successful leader is communicating, connecting and having influence which is what makes the difference between a good leader and a bad one.
Lesson three:
Connecting to people is more than what we say. Words, tone, and body language are the bases of communicating. Unlike what most people think more than ninety percent of what we convey has nothing to do with what we say. If a communicator fails to include any one of the three essential components of communication which are, thoughts, emotions, and actions and there will be a communication breakdown. You can connect to people visually by expanding the range of your expressions, move in a way that provides confidence and security to people, and maintain an open posture. Moreover, in terms of thought, any message you try to convey must contain a piece of you so your ability to connect through thoughts doesn't stop at words but experience as well. Lastly, connecting through emotions is equally important and as good communicator we should start with winning the other person's heart and then the rest of him will follow.
As a public relations officer I learnt that connecting to people cannot be achieved using words only but with other components too. So, to be able to connect with others I must include emotions, actions and thoughts while conveying a message.
1-Communication and connecting are way beyond words, you can be so good in words and phrasing yet you might not reach out to people because you left a huge percentage of connection that it's not what you say it's how you say it.
2- Thoughts, emotions, and actions are the three essential components of communication, and failing to include one of the components will result in a communication breakdown and disconnection. Most importantly having the three bases of communication words, tone and body language will make you a powerful communicator.
3-Having experience in addition to knowledge gives an advantage while reaching out to people. Persuasion happens when thoughts are supported by experience.
4- Winning over someone can be easily done if you win his heart first. Winning over someone's heart comes before his mind. People will always remember how you make them feel even if they don't remember what you said or did.